Thank you for your interest in creating a Wholesale Account! (RTF) is a leading retailer for HVAC filtration from industry best manufacturers like AAF Flanders. RTF is the exclusive retailer/wholesaler of Exact Filters®, the perfect fit for your customers odd filter sizes.
Suitable for many types of businesses not only retailers; hardware stores, commercial properties, school districts, hospitality, HVAC contractors and more. You don't have to be a retailer to gain access to our wholesale website to place orders and manage your filtration needs. Our wholesale site will allow you to make purchases at your discounted pricing for both end users and retailers.
If you are new to RTF, don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
To apply please click the following link:
Wholesale Account Highlights
- Streamline purchasing
- Get quantity discounts
- Free shipping on all orders
- Simplify buying
- Submit purchase orders
- Quick filter quotes
- And more...