At the point of sale, we will do our best to match any competitor's price on identical filters (matching manufacturer and model). The item must be in-stock, available for immediate shipment and be in the same condition as the advertised item. Price matched items are limited to a quantity of one per household.
For Phone and Web customers: At the point of sale, we will match the advertised price of the product, including shipping charges, against other online resellers. Phone and web customers must call 866-469-8556 or email to request a price match and supply the customer service representative with proof of the lower price by providing the URL of the competitor's web page or current advertisement that shows the lower price.
For Retail Store customers: At the point of sale, we will do our best to match the advertised price of the product against local retail competitors with in-stock product. Retail store customers must provide proof of the lower price by bringing in a printed copy of the advertisement containing the lower price.
Exclusions from the Point of Sale Price Match Policy: The Point of Sale Price Match Policy does not apply to bundled items, free items, pricing errors, items of service, mail-in offers, offers including financing, out of stock, items offered below actual cost, or limited quantity items, clearance items, open-box items, and used/refurbished items.